Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So today. It was an interesting day so I thought I would do a blog about it. x

So the usual. I set my alarm for 6.30 and set it for 7:55 and got up. Did the usual things. Made my bed, did my hair etc. Went to school yada yada. Went into biology had the teacher pick on me for not having two questions done. German we had a free, which was good. My friends were picking on me sadly. :/ Didn't enjoy it one bit. Went in to SPHE boring. Then came english. The one subject I hate. She gave us the test that we were suppose to have the day before but we had aptitude tests. We all died. I failed it without a doubt. Then came maths. I got in trouble for talking. Wasn't a bit impressed. Then finally, the last class of the day came. Irish. The Leaving Certs had their LCVP exams so the room we had for irish was taken. But knowing me, I didn't know it was over at 12.30. We had irish at 12:45 so our room would have been free. I spent 10 minutes looking for our class but it was in the same room. I felt like a right twat. My teacher didn't shout which was okay I guess. Then, I went home. Had my dinner with Dad. I was kinda a bit annoyed over a few reasons. Won't mention anything. Then Dad and I went to Tralee to get tiles. I picked them out so :') I like them. I then plonked myself in to bed for a nap. It was nice. Then Dad and I discussed London. WOOT. Its really happening. Tomorrow, will be fine. Missing all my classes except Ag. Science but that'll be fine. I'll be texting through it anyway. Were doing a mentoring course for first years. So basically next year, we get to show them around the place and show off apparently. Then Friday. I'm modeling for the Leaving Cert Art exam for my friend Kayliegh. I miss four classes and I GET PAID. DOUBLE WOOT. What an amazing week its been/going to be. :D

I also see Vivien in less then three months. This makes me happy. :]